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Rob Cowell · 28th August 2024

How to Prepare for Dreamforce 2024: Embrace the Experience and New Opportunities

As Dreamforce 2024 approaches, I find myself reflecting on the journey I've taken over the past few years. Since my first in-person Dreamforce experience, I’ve gained a wealth of knowledge about how to navigate this incredible event. I’m better prepared this year, armed with lessons learned and a clearer understanding of what to expect.

Yet, even with that preparation, there’s a renewed sense of excitement and anticipation—especially for new opportunities, like the free Dreamfest concert, which I’m particularly looking forward to this time around. So let’s look a little further into how to prepare for Dreamforce.

Lessons from the Past: A Solid Foundation

Looking back, my first Dreamforce experience was an eye-opener. Despite my best efforts to prepare, the sheer scale of the event caught me off guard. I quickly realized that attending Dreamforce is like running a marathon—one that requires strategic planning, comfortable shoes, and a flexible mindset. Over the years, I’ve fine-tuned my approach, learning to balance session attendance with networking and making time to explore the Dreamforce campground without feeling rushed.

This experience, and subsequent returns to Dreamforce over the years, has prepared me well to attend Dreamforce 2024. I’ve planned my schedule with care, prioritizing the sessions that will provide the most value to my work and interests, as well as the all-important keynote. I’ve also left room for spontaneity, knowing that some of the best experiences at Dreamforce happen unexpectedly—in the conversations between sessions or during a chance meeting with a fellow attendee.

It’s also super important to plan ahead and be prepared physically too—we’re not talking workouts here (although many attendees do pre-Dreamforce fitness goals), instead we’re talking about making sure you pack the essentials for those long days on the Dreamforce campus. Comfortable shoes are a must and you’ll probably want a portable power bank to keep your phone charged—especially as you’ll want to make good use of the Salesforce events app (available for iOS and Android) and the Trail Map builder. Don’t forget the notoriously changeable San Francisco weather either—think of layers of clothing. Finally, you’ll want a good sized bag for laptops, chargers and most importantly, all that swag you’re likely to accumulate during the event.

Get your bearings

Dreamforce is a sprawling event filled with thousands of people. It’s unrealistic to expect to see it all, much like you can’t possibly know everything about every product Salesforce offers these days. Be prepared for lots of walking–this is the main reason people recommend comfortable shoes as the number one essential item to pack!

To the best of my knowledge, there wasn’t such a thing as the Agenda Builder back then, which I’d thoroughly recommend making use of this time around. I went out to my first Dreamforce with only a vague notion of which Salesforce features I was interested in and without a strong game plan for sessions to attend, or knowledge I wanted to bring back to my business. I discovered Heroku while out at Dreamforce by sheer luck, and it turned out to be very useful, but I don’t recommend relying on luck to get value from your visit.

The Power of People: Building Connections

One of the most important lessons I’ve learned from past Dreamforce events is that while the sessions and keynotes are valuable, the real magic happens in the connections you make. Dreamforce brings together the diverse Salesforce community of professionals who are passionate about technology and innovation. Engaging with these individuals, sharing insights, and learning from their experiences has been one of the most rewarding aspects of attending this event. Meeting your peers across the Salesforce ecosystem is also one of the best ways to learn more about the Salesforce platform.

As I prepare for Dreamforce 2024, I’m looking forward to reconnecting with familiar faces and making new connections. I’ve made it a point to focus on the human element of the event—whether that’s through networking sessions, casual conversations, or simply taking the time to chat with someone while waiting for a session to start. These interactions have often led to new ideas, collaborations, and even lasting friendships.

There will be many events to catch during the week, but here’s some of our highlights:

A New Experience: P!nk and Imagine Dragons in Concert

While I’ve always appreciated the incredible concerts that Dreamforce offers, I’ve often chosen to skip them in favor of rest or catching up on work. But this year feels different. The announcement of a free concert featuring P!nk and Imagine Dragons has sparked an excitement I simply can’t ignore. It’s not every day you get the chance to see such powerhouse performers, and I’m thrilled to experience this unique part of Dreamforce 2024.

For me, this concert represents more than just a fun evening—it’s a reminder to fully embrace all aspects of the Dreamforce experience, not just the conference. After all, the event is not just about professional growth and learning, but also about enjoying the moment and creating memories that will last long after the event is over.

Looking Ahead to Dreamforce 2024

As the countdown to Dreamforce 2024 continues, I’m filled with anticipation for what’s to come. With past experiences as my guide, I feel well-prepared to make the most of the event, from the sessions and keynotes to the networking opportunities and, of course, the Dreamfest concert.

My advice to anyone looking to attend this year’s Dreamforce, whether you’re a first time attendee or a regular visitor, is to be open to all it has to offer. Plan wisely, but also leave room for the unexpected. Engage with the people around you, because those connections will be what you remember most. And don’t forget to take in the special moments—whether it’s a powerful keynote, a new idea sparked by a conversation, or a once-in-a-lifetime concert experience. Dreamforce 2024 is shaping up to be an unforgettable Salesforce event, and I can’t wait to be a part of it.

Join us at Dreamforce for one of our many events